Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Selecting Materials

Heidi looked through my collection of fabrics and decided on a neutral green velveteen for the purse's foundation fabric. 

She is going to create pockets for the interior of the box with a lining fabric.

The edges of the balsa wood purse body will be covered with decorative art paper. This required a trip to USArtQuest in Chelsea Michigan, which has a large stock of beautiful art papers.

Heidi selected a green paper with concentric circles printed on it.  The circles reminded her of the song of the cicadas.  Because of the paper selection the color of the lining changed to a golden satin similar in color to some of the concentric circles. 

Heidi's idea is to bead the cicadas in vibrant colors which will contrast against the neutral green velveteen.  She will be employing the technique of  beaded applique.

Pattern Making

I will be beading a cover for a doctors bag.  Generally speaking, these types of bags do not need to be deconstructed in order to create a pattern.  

 Acetate is used to create a traced pattern of the bag.  Begin by taping the acetate to the handle.  Keeping the acetate firmly in place begin tracing over the seam lines. 

Make a tracing of each end of the bag.  There is a left and right end, and a front and rear side determined by the the degree of the angle of the opening.

Heidi's bag was deconstructed in order to create a pattern.

The Purse tells a Story

Each hand bag has a narrative whether the design is non-objective (geometric), abstract, or representational. Factors influencing a bag's narrative include materials and the artist's personal interests. If you don't have an inspiration board now is the time to start making one. Begin by collecting images or by writing lists of things that interest you.

Heidi has chosen the life cycle of the cicada as the main design element.  The narrative of her purse with be shedding old skin, rebirth, and reaching the height of one's potential.

She collected images of cicadas off the internet to inform her design.  

Inspired by this postcard, I have decided to bead the image of a rabbit on to this bag.